Monday, October 5, 2009

How a Terminal Emulator Works

The Terminal Emulator is a windows 32-bit COM application, designed to interface with the Comman use termainal Emulator (DM) Device Manager API to support ATB, BTP, DCP, MSR and OCR devices. The Airline TE communicates with the Airline Departure Control System by direct TCP/IP session control between the work-station IP and a designated Host IP address. The physical connection utilizes a site installed DSU/router to connect to the WAN network and to a host DCS router.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Praveen,

    I followed your blog, its very important for me, because it has very rare contents, im really appreciated about that,
    actually we are one of software company which developing DCS airport system & im the IT responsible person. since recently we started this project, we have to integrate our system with IER560 Combo printer. actually im very new to this subject, so that would be grate help if you can explain me how to configure & creating the program to use this printer.

    Thanks & regards,
